[Board] foss4g europe

Jachym Cepicky jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
Mon Nov 18 23:10:31 PST 2013

Hey all,

I would like to ask board members for permission, for using OSGeo logo
to the foss4g-europe web page.

This would indicate, that OSGeo supports this event and that it is
considered as one of the key-events for the open source geospatial

Proposal: Allow the FOSS4G-Europe organization committee to put OSGeo
between supporting organizations at their conference web page and allow
usage of OSGeo logo for this purpose.

Thank you

Jachym Cepicky
jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
PGP: http://les-ejk.cz/pgp/JachymCepicky.pgp

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