[Board] US Nonprofit msgs in August

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Wed Sep 11 09:04:53 PDT 2013

No apologies needed from me Brian, we were more than happy to have
someone passionately interested in this, and your feedback is always useful.


On 2013-09-11 12:57 PM, Brian Hamlin wrote:
> Daniel -
>    My apologies - I randomly checked the SPAM filter in my  Mail.app
> client this morning, and it seems that quite a few of the Board msgs in
> August regarding non-profit activity in the US were incorrectly filed as
> SPAM and I never saw them...     SO that probably contributed to the
> awkward timing of the non-profit attorney communications..
>   It is entirely my side, but I was not aware that this happened until
> just now...
>   at any rate, best to all past and new OSGeo Board members for FOSS4G 2013
>   sincerely
> ---
> Brian M Hamlin
> OSGeo California Chapter

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