[Board] Elections final reminder

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Fri Aug 8 04:21:49 PDT 2014

Hi Jorge!

Great, I was going to email you for an update this morning, thanks. Will 
you record the participation numbers somewhere, for the future?

I'll be online tomorrow morning likely (Mike Smith and his wife are 
leaving in the morning, after a week's vacation at my home), will look 
for you.  Oh on your holidays I'll continue to monitor the CRO email, in 
case something pressing comes up and you are on a beach :)

And thanks again for all this hard work, and setting up a system that 
will be used for years to come.


On 2014-08-08 7:41 AM, Jorge Sanz wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just sent the Charter Members final reminder to 63 people (16
> haven't voted, 47 with uncompleted votes). So at at least 2/3 of the
> membership have participated on this process. As someone told me on
> IRC, it would be great to compare these participation numbers with
> other years.
> Tomorrow I'll send the results and start the nominations for the Board
> for the next two weeks. BTW immediately after that I'll start my
> holidays (1 week), so I'll try to review mail and nominations once a
> day but won't be as active as two past weeks.
> Best

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