[Board] 2014 budget: FOSS4G pre sprint?

Darrell Fuhriman darrell at garnix.org
Tue Feb 11 12:12:14 PST 2014

And I realize you all are talking about a several day event, but we also have the post FOSS4G code sprint on Saturday the 13th planned as well.

That being said, we here in Portland are happy to help out where we can.


On Feb 11, 2014, at 12:10, Daniel Morissette <dmorissette at mapgears.com> wrote:

> Hi Bart, and All,
> I'm all for supporting sprints, and we do have more funds available for this kind of stuff this year than in previous year, so I'm all for doing everything we can. However, in order to handle code sprint support in a fair way, we have agreed to follow some guidelines which are documented at:
>  http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Code_Sprint_Guidelines
> Unfortunately, even with those guidelines in place, I find that the way we have handled this in the past is a bit ad hoc and the amount of funding offered to each event was very arbitrary. In addition to that we only had requests from a couple of sprints, so there are some very worthwhile ones that never benefited from OSGeo support (simply because they never asked and are used to find their own funding). I wonder if we should try to have a more organized way to let sprint organizers submit proposals, maybe once or twice a year, and then allocate funds based on our global budget at a predetermined time instead of just responding to requests when they come to us.
> Since we're talking of funding sprints, the Vienna Sprint at the end of March will bring together the C tribe Sprint, the QGIS hackfest and the GRASS sprint for a whole week, with 64 people signed up so far. We should definitely look at supporting it. I'll talk to Stephan Meissl (the organizer) about submitting a request for funding.
> More info at http://vienna2014.sprint.osgeo.org/
> With respect to a pre-FOSS4G sprint, I'd encourage the organizers to consider setting up a multi-project sprint and not focus solely on GeoServer as that would give them bonus points in our Code Sprint Guidelines... and then to submit a funding request following the guidelines.
> My 0.02$
> Daniel

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