[Board] F2F Agenda - OSGeo Core Values
Anita Graser
anitagraser at gmx.at
Tue Dec 22 06:06:42 PST 2015
2015. 12. 22., 오전 6:20, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com> 작성:
>>> There is also good material from Jeff. The version with my commentary is
>>> here:
>>> https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/discuss/2015-November/015346.html
Thanks for all your comments to Jeff's material Cameron! I've reread it
now and agree with you on many points, especially that we - using your
words - do not control a workforce, but only have the ability to inspire
I don't quite agree with your statement on diversity - given that studies
seem to show that our preconceptions lead us to believe that certain people
are less or more qualified than they are, based on race or gender. Why not
lead by example rather than wait for 50% of the OSGeo community to be
female. But I don't want this to be my main focus!
Currently our agenda
https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Face_to_Face_Meeting_2016#Agenda reads:
review mission statement and revise it if necessary
develop core values of OSGeo to dictate behaviour and action around open
source GIS
eview foundation goals and set the vision of OSGeo
review bylaws based on mission statement, core values and vision
review relationships with other organisations based on mission statement,
core values and vision
review projects
review branding (website etc.)
review finances
review incubation progress
... As is, this sounds very ambitious. I could easily imagine spending two
days on reviewing projects alone!
We need to narrow things down. What does "review" mean in the context of
this meeting?
I would go as far as suggest that reviewing projects, branding, and
incubation should be moved off the agenda because it will leave us with too
little time for the individual items if we leave them on.
Or are there urgent topics connected to these agenda items?
On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 1:35 PM, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com>
> So I suggest be pragmatic, and keep goals simple and achievable.
> Be careful asking the community for open ended questions which will take
> much time to think about and then articulate. You likely won't get a
> response.
> Better to be targeted with questions.
Thanks Cameron! I think this is a very good point to keep in mind.
On 22/12/2015 1:26 pm, Sanghee Shin wrote:
>> we need to ask community members to actively participate in setting the
>> agendas, expected outcomes of F2F meeting earlier rather than asking after
>> F2F meeting. We may ask them to write down their own OSGeo’s mission
>> statement/core values/visions there at wiki page.
Based on Cameron's recommendation quoted above, I think that it might be
more productive to ask the community to provide feedback on suggested clear
actions (which should be based on or mission/values/vision) rather than
more vague descriptions.
An example could be concerning the code sprint topic:
quote Jeff:
>* OSGeo will actively promote its ability to support all code sprints of *
>* any size, no matter if there is only one project being enhanced.*
*quote Cameron:*
> I suggest that this statement should not be quite as Open Ended. As it
> stands, this could be interpreted to mean that any code sprint will be
> funded by OSGeo. There are limits to OSGeo's budget, and this should be
> acknowledged in the words we select.
example of a possible action:
We will add a position for code sprint support to the 2016 budget. Projects
are invited via email to apply for a share of this budget at latest x
months before the planned code sprint. Applications should contain
Ideally, suggestions for actions should be discussed on list before the f2f
to give the board a better understanding of the community position. After
the f2f, I expect we'll have another feedback round on list before any
Imho, this list of planned actions will be the most tangible outcome of the
Best wishes,
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