[Board] Fwd: FW: Your Delaware Annual Report is Due

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Tue Feb 3 05:57:57 PST 2015

On 2015-02-03 8:45 AM, Daniel Morissette wrote:
> I didn't realize that shared files coming from someone else were also
> counted as part of your personal quota. IF that's really the case then I
> can see why using Dropbox can be a problem for some. There are
> alternatives such as Cubby which works equally well (I use it) and has
> more friendly terms and pricing: https://www.cubby.com/pricing/ ... and
> I believe OSGeo could pay the monthly fees for space for its Treasurer
> and Secretary if it is decided that this is important.

Two more notes about Cubby:

1- I just checked and it has the same problem as Dropbox in the way that 
files shared by others with you are also counted in your Quota. However, 
you start with 5GB, and getting 100GB is relatively cheap (3.99USD/month 
if prepaid annually)

2- It does not have a client for Linux, which may be a blocker issue. 
Only Windows, Mac, iOS, Android are currently supported so Linux users 
have to use the Web interface which makes the solution less attractive.

Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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