[Board] Approve Request for Philadelphia Code Sprint funding [MOTION]

Vasile Craciunescu vasile at geo-spatial.org
Fri Feb 13 22:23:13 PST 2015



On 2/13/15 6:54 PM, Michael Smith wrote:
> Board members,
> Stephan Meißl and I sat down with Robert Cheetham to discuss the request for
> funding. We've decided that Stephan will hold the 2014 sprint surplus funds
> in € for the 2016 sprint (tentatively to be in Europe) and Robert will
> reduce his request to just cover costs for the 2015 Philadelphia Code
> Sprint. He should have the final amount Monday or Tuesday of next week and
> this will also prevent transferring any surplus back to OSGeo.
> So I motion to provide funds to the 2015 Philadelphia Code Sprint in the
> amount needed to close the books on this sprint (up to the maximum of $10000
> USD).
> I'll start with my +1.
> Mike
> Michael Smith
> OSGeo Foundation Treasurer
> treasurer at osgeo.org
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Vasile Crăciunescu
geo-spatial.org: An elegant place for sharing geoKnowledge & geoData

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