[Board] motions from June 18 meeting

Fenoy Gerald gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
Sun Jun 21 00:53:06 PDT 2015

My votes and comments inline bellow.

> Le 19 juin 2015 à 21:29, Vasile Craciunescu <vasile at geo-spatial.org> a écrit :
> Dear all,
> Please also vote for motion bellow.
> 5) For the new charter members elections, change the threshold of required YES votes of charter members from 5% to 50%. See Jeff's e-mail [1] for detailed explanations and the rationale of this change. If needed, also check the Membership Process [2].
> My vote is +1.


We should keep in mind that Charter Members are different from Members. Even if it may be difficult to reach the 50% threshold as the community is becoming bigger, it make sense to make sure they are recognized by at least a relevant part of the community. So, I suppose that 1/4 of the community should be enough to ensure the quality of the elected Charter Members. 

I keep my +1 vote for this motion as I think that the threshold of 50% is better than the one set to 5% as it gives to Charter Members more value.

I do appreciate the Vasile plan to solve this, which follow the Mike’s idea (shared by Bart) of having this discussion with the community to gather more informations. We may go a bit further, ideally we should ask directly the community to vote on this but time is probably too short for this election. 

We can simply all vote on this motion for this year, then plan another vote involving Charter Member for the next year.

> Best,
> Vasile
> [1] http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/board/2015-May/012863.html
> [2] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Membership_Process
> On 6/19/15 7:09 PM, Vasile Craciunescu wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> minutes from yesterday'€™s board meeting are available at:
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2015-06-18
>> <http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2015-05-21>
>> Motions to vote on:
>> 1) Approve past meeting's minutes


>> 2) Accept OSGeo-BE as an official OSGeo Local Chapter with Dirk Frigne
>> as liaison officer


>> 3) Move along with the 2015 election process with Vasile Craciunescu as
>> CRO for 2015


>> 4) Approve to fund OSGeo President’s travel to FOSS4G Seoul including
>> hotel & air fares in amount of USD3,000. The topic was not discussed
>> during the meeting but it was already agreed in past years and the
>> prices (hotel, plane) can go up if we  wait until the meeting in Como.


>> Best regards,
>> Vasile
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> -- 
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Vasile Crăciunescu
> geo-spatial.org: An elegant place for sharing geoKnowledge & geoData
> http://www.geo-spatial.org
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Gérald Fenoy

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