[Board] acknowledging both sponsors vs participants

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Thu Nov 19 06:58:48 PST 2015

I had considered using this approach for "providers" directory page ... as
there are far more consulting organizations listed than participate in our
open source projects.

The drawback is that it is important to recognize organizations (such as
government and non profit) that participate in our community ... but are
not interested in operating as a support provider.

Any suggestions here are welcome as I expect it forms the heart of
providing our participants greater visibility.

Jody Garnett

On 19 November 2015 at 06:52, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com> wrote:

> Separating out one idea from the sponsorship thread -
> We are setting up a Sponsors and Donations page with Platinum, Gold,
> Silver, Bronze categories to acknowledge those who financially contribute
> to OSGeo.
> I would like to consider setting up a page to acknowledge organizations
> that participate in OSGeo at the project level. fortunately in this case
> the categories are easier to manage:
> - Leadership - project steering committee or similar responsible for
> decision making
> - Maintainer - module maintainer, responsible for code reviews, release,
> build server or some other aspect of project health and happiness.
> - Committer - obtained commit permission on a project
> - Contributor - submitted functionality or fix that passed code review and
> was included in a release
> Not all projects have these distinctions but the roles are well
> understood. Example GeoNode rewards their most active committers with a PSC
> style vote :)
> --
> Jody Garnett
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