[Board] new Sponsors page draft

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Fri Oct 16 05:47:40 PDT 2015

Hi Jeroen,

As Jody mentioned, I am sorry for this confusion.  I will try to 
summarize the situation here, and OSGeo treasurers can correct me, but I 
think it is important that we speak of this openly (I don't think this 
has ever been publicly spoken of, since I've been on the board since 2009).

I believe OSGeo's long battle to resolve the non-profit tax status 
(thank you Tyler and Daniel for resolving) affected our invoicing of 
sponsors in 2013.  We are now of course 501(c)(4) exempt, but that came 
in late 2013, and even then I remember there were some complications and 
further steps needed to clear up.

It was then decided that existing sponsors would not be invoiced for 
2013 to 2014 (a "free ride" so to speak).  The same I believe happened 
for 2014 (no new invoices were sent out to existing sponsors).

So as far as I am aware, that brings us to 2015-2016.

Yesterday during the OSGeo Board meeting, sponsors were discussed 
(search for "sponsor" text in the logs at 
http://irclogs.geoapt.com/osgeo/%23osgeo.2015-10-15.log) and the OSGeo 
board decided to update the sponsors page listing the current sponsor 
thinkWhere, and then list all past sponsors below that.  Then, late last 
night I updated the sponsors page as we agreed in that meeting.

I believe we/OSGeo must now contact all past sponsors and possibly 
invoice.  Thankfully Jody is interested in championing this and will 
work with the current OSGeo treasurer Mike Smith.

I hope this clarifies what has been happening through the years, and I 
am sure others will speak up now and correct me where I made improper 
assumptions, but it is good to speak about this publicly, and improve on 
it for 2015-2016.

Jeroen I too don't like not seeing the GeoCat logo there.  Maybe we can 
fast-track all this and you can phone me today and we can work through 
this together?


On 2015-10-16 2:55 AM, Jeroen Ticheler wrote:
> Hi Jeff,
> I'm confused... GeoCat has always been a sponsor and to the best of my knowledge still is. If this is not the case according to OSGeo it is because no recurring invoice was send to us. We may not be the only sponsor dropping off the list if this is the case. Can you put GeoCat back on instead of on a list of previous sponsors? We've been sponsor since GeoCat was founded in 2007 and will likely continue to do so in the future.
> It would be nice to see a new plan where company size is taken into account indeed.
> Thanks,
> Jeroen
> GeoCat Bridge for ArcGIS allows instant publishing of data and metadata on GeoServer, MapServer, PostGIS and GeoNetwork. Visit http://geocat.net for details.
> _________________________
> Jeroen Ticheler
> GeoCat bv
> Veenderweg 13
> 6721 WD Bennekom
> Tel: +31 (0)6 81286572
> http://geocat.net
>> Op 16 okt. 2015 om 01:43 heeft Jeff McKenna <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com> het volgende geschreven:
>> Hi Board, all,
>> As discussed in today's Board meeting, I've updated the Sponsors page to list our current sponsor (thinkWhere) and list all of the previous sponsors: http://www.osgeo.org/content/sponsorship/sponsors.html
>> This would have to be verified by the Treasurer.  I tried very hard to list all past OSGeo sponsors, I went through many old documents, as far back as 2006.  Please let me know if I made any mistakes.
>> I'd like to thank Alan Moore of thinkWhere (http://www.thinkwhere.com/) for their current sponsorship, and each and every past sponsor of OSGeo:
>> 1Spatial
>> 2ndQuadrant
>> ASTUN Technology
>> Autodesk
>> Boreal-Information Strategies (Borealis)
>> Camptocamp
>> First Base Solutions Inc.
>> GeoCat
>> Institut Geographique National (IGN) France
>> Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) Brazil
>> Karttakeskus
>> LizardTech, A Celartem Company
>> Metaspatial
>> Ordnance Survey
>> PCI Geomatics
>> WhereGroup
>> -jeff

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