[Board] Mandate and Budget request Marketing Committee

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Wed Dec 14 15:58:40 PST 2016

Thanks Marc, added your email to the wiki here:


Please review, I may of missed some of the breakdown.

My understanding is:

* 25k (BC) for "normal" committee activities - unclear to me if budget is
carried over from 2016 for this?
* 50k (A) for website/logo reboot

Jody Garnett

On 14 December 2016 at 14:00, Marc Vloemans <marcvloemans1 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Board
> To facilitate tomorrow's discussion and decision in the board I have done
> a little rewrite of Jody's earlier discussion piece. I put it more
> explicitly into a following order of dependiencies. Further explanation and
> back ground can be given by Jody during your meeting based on his
> discussions with the Committee.
> The Marketing Committee has revamped itself with a new membership and
> intention to act upon a comprehensive marketing strategy. The committee now
> seeks a mandate and executive responsibility for:
> 1) establishing and executing a medium term marketing strategy geared at
> growing our community with new users, as determined in the marketing
> strategy for OSGeo-outreach, by means of;
> A - a new website and logo design (2017)
> B - a clean up of existing/preparation of new marketing collateral (2017)
> C - ongoing support for events e.g. downloadable marketing collateral,
> event formats etc (ongoing) via the website
> Resources needed to fulfil the tasks:
> - the new volunteers in the Marketing Committee for managing the project
> under item A and executing item B.
> - a budget of total 75k Dollar, of which 50k is for item A, 10k for item B
> and 10k for occasional event banners/flyers and Live-CD/USB sticks (e.g.
> Foss4g booths) and 5k for miscellaneous activities/purchases (e.g.
> MailChimp account for FOSS4G's).
> Kind regards,
> Marc Vloemans
> Mobile +31(0)651 844262 <+31651%20844262>
> LinkedIn: http://nl.linkedin.com/in/marcvloemans
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/marcvloemans
> http://www.slideshare.net/marcvloemans
> Kind regards,
> Marc Vloemans
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