[Board] updating about the foundation web page

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Wed Feb 3 23:47:03 PST 2016

Thank you for the help/inspiration - I was able to update the page - and
added a "A new vision for OSGeo" as a birthday present to your existing
blog post.

Jody Garnett

On 3 February 2016 at 19:01, Venkatesh Raghavan <
raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp> wrote:

> On 2/4/2016 11:06 AM, Jody Garnett wrote:
>> How about one of these:
>> a) "educational outreach championing open education curriculum development
>> covering participation and use of open-source geospatial"
>> b) "educational outreach championing participation and use of open-source
>> geospatial and the development of an open education curriculum"
>> Longer but perhaps more clear?
> b) sounds better to me, perhaps "curriculum" could be changed to
> "contents".
> Please, also consider third choice below;
> c) "educational outreach championing participation in the use of
> open-source
> geospatial and the development of an open education contents"
> the two bullets below could be
>>> - actively engage with the likeminded communities and organziations;
>>> - enable communication and cooperation between OSGeo communities;
>>> concised as
>>> - actively engage with the likeminded communities and organziations
>>>     to promote inter-community communication and collaborations;
> I see the logic in keeping it as two separate bullets.
> "between" could be changed to "amongst" in the second bullet to
> two or more communities.
> - enable communication and cooperation amongst OSGeo communities;
> Best
> Venka
>>> I agree the wording got too close for comfort between the two topics -
>> perhaps because of the word communities.
>> The first one "actively engage with the likeminded communities and
>> organziations" ... is EXTERNAL where we are trying to engage with external
>> organizations (OSM, ICA, LocationTech, Apache) using the tools we have
>> available - membership, MOUs, joint events, shared initiatives ...
>> The second one "enable communication and cooperation between OSGeo
>> communities" .. is INTERNAL where we want communication between the tribes
>> (Java,C,Python) and platforms (Win32,Linux,...).  Today the 'battle lines'
>> are not expressed in terms of Java and C - but the goal of encouraging
>> communication/collaboration remains.
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