[Board] [EXTERNAL] Re: About some process clarification

Michael Smith michael.smith.erdc at gmail.com
Wed Feb 24 01:31:14 PST 2016

Michael Smith

US Army Corps
Remote Sensing GIS/Center
michael.smith at usace.army.mil

-----Original Message-----
From: Board <board-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> on behalf of Venkatesh
Raghavan <raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp>
Date: Monday, February 22, 2016 at 12:25 AM
To: OSGeo-Board <board at lists.osgeo.org>, "tomkralidis at gmail.com"
<tomkralidis at gmail.com>, Mateusz Loskot <mateusz at loskot.net>, Jeff McKenna
<jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Board] About some process clarification
Resent-From: Michael Smith <michael.smith at usace.army.mil>

>Dear Board,
>I would like to move a motion to approve
>1) Business process on managing OSGeo Open Hub requests
>using trac ticketing as outlined in [1]


>2) Managing OSGeo Service Provider updates using trac ticketing as
>outlined in [2]


>I vote +1 for this motion.
>[1] BlockedBlockedhttp://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OpenHubBlocked
>On 2016/02/19 11:33, Venkatesh Raghavan wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I recently had a very fruitful interaction with Tom Kralidis
>> regarding some items listed below that require clarification of process
>> and decouple the from specific people/emails. This would ensure that our
>> communications related to these items become more sustainable and
>> transparent and traceable.
>> a) OpenHUB OSGeo [1] admin
>> b) OSGeo Service Provider updates [3]
>> Regarding item a) above, issues/requests related to OSGeo Open Hub
>> were going to mailing list or info at osgeo.org and maybe in some
>> cases directly to the Managers (Mateusz Loskot and Jeff McKenna).
>> Tom and I agreed that it would be better to have documented process on
>> OSGeo
>> Wiki that people could know about the option of filing a trac ticket
>> and interact with SAC directly. Tom has kindly made a draft wiki page
>> documenting the process. So we all agree with the process described in
>> [2],
>> it can be adopted/approved and communicated on our website.
>> Regarding the item b) OSGeo Service Provider updates, request for
>> are currently directed to info at osgeo.org [see [3]). Tom has also
>> kindly added
>> details about the process of filing trac tickets in our Service
>> Provider Wiki page
>> [4]. So, if we agree to the process mentioned in [4] the same can be
>> communicated
>> on our website.
>> Tom, thanks for your input and suggestions. I am also marking CC to
>> Mateusz and
>> Jeff as they are managing OSGeo-OpenHub [2].
>> Best
>> Venka
>> [1] BlockedBlockedhttps://www.openhub.net/orgs/OSGeoBlocked
>> [2] BlockedBlockedhttp://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OpenHubBlocked
>> [3] BlockedBlockedhttp://www.osgeo.org/spd_helpBlocked
>> [4] 
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