[Board] UN Meeting

Anita Graser anitagraser at gmx.at
Mon Oct 10 10:53:58 PDT 2016

Hi Marc,

On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 7:22 PM, Marc Vloemans <marcvloemans1 at gmail.com>

> Unfortunately....micro management is already the case with the Conference
> committee

​The board micro-managed the conference com? (I'm asking because I have not
read the entire thread on the conf mailing list.​) Any way, lets try not to
repeat this process with the UNCom.

To have a strategy, something more is required, e.g. a 'market'/environment
> assessment, stakeholder analysis, an idea what audiences we cater to etc
> etc etc
> And a strategy making process that is inclusive and not top-down.

​Do you know some promising techniques to run such an inclusive strategy
making process? We tried collecting feedback concerning
mission/vision/actions earlier this year with limited success.

I haven't seen this step done really well yet ... anywhere ...​ So I would
be really interested in learning about successful "mature processes".

Thank you for your input and best wishes,
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