[Board] MoU with AGILE

Dirk Frigne dirk.frigne at geosparc.com
Mon Oct 24 05:57:58 PDT 2016


On 23/10/2016 15:10, Venkatesh Raghavan wrote:
> I have made some minor edits to the draft AGILE-OSGeo MoU
> at https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/MOU_AGILE#Memorandum_of_Understanding
> More comments inline.
> On 6/25/2016 12:52 PM, Jody Garnett wrote:
>> Some feedback ...
>> - spell out open source (rather than just OS).
> Has been done.
>> - I would like to clearly list open source participation as a goal of
>> educational materials (rather than only use) since that is one of our
>> goals
>> as a foundation
>> - This MOU is good in that it lists opportunities"areas and opportunities
>> for open source geospatial research"
I understand completely what you want, but we should know that other
partners from proprietary industry are already involved in this
organisation. I think it is more important to try to have a MOI and
become involved with GeoforAll in AGILE, than to risk not to become
involved at all.

Just my 2c, we better consult Marek to be sure if this would be an
issue. I know it is an issue for GSDI.

> Jody, can you edit the draft MoU so as to reflect changes
> you would like to incorporate based on you feedback below?
>> - waiving the registration fee for our annual generation meeting is not
>> quite the same thing as waving the fee for our annual foss4g
>> conference. If
>> we do take on relationships where registration to foss4g is waived we
>> should be sure list the cost in the annual operating budget (rather than
>> place an expectation on the organizers of bonn or boston events)
> Changed
> from
> "Exchange designated official representatives to the principal annual
> meeting of each organization. Registration fees for one official
> representatives will be waived;"
> to
> "Exchange designated official representatives to the principal annual
> meeting of each organization. Registration fees for one official
> representatives will be covered by respective organizations;"
> Once the draft is finalized, it can be taken up with the AGILE consul for
> final conclusion of the MoU.
> Best
> Venka
>> -- 
>> Jody Garnett
>> On 24 June 2016 at 16:50, Helena Mitasova <hmitaso at ncsu.edu> wrote:
>>> Dear board,
>>> please review a proposal for MoU with Association of Geographic
>>> Information Laboratories in Europe (AGILE)
>>> approved by the AGILE council that I have received from the secretary
>>> general of AGILE Prof. Baranowski.
>>> I propose that we vote on this MoU at our July meeting so I am sending
>>> this in advance in case there is a discussion
>>> needed.
>>> Here is the text of the MoU:
>>> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/MOU_AGILE
>>> This MoU then would be ready to be signed at FOSS4G 2016 in Bonn
>>> Thank you, Helena
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Yours sincerely,

ir. Dirk Frigne
CEO @geosparc

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