[Board] [FOSS4G 2016] Fwd: Re: [Journal] Feedback: [FOSS4GProceedings] Reminder - Publication of papers of the FOSS4G 2016 AcademicTrac

Venkatesh Raghavan raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
Tue Aug 1 04:48:46 PDT 2017

Hi Till,

Would it be possible to handle the request from Academic Chair of 
FOSS4G-2016, Bonn
regarding funding for formatting and layout of OSGeo Journal issue
incorporating selected papers presented at FOSS4G-2016 (academic track).

The request is for 1200Euro, for 24 hours of work @50Euro/hour.

We would like to know if it would be possible to make payment from the
surplus generated at FOSS4G-2016.

The board will vote on this request aftern hearing from you.



On 7/28/2017 8:03 PM, Michael Smith wrote:
> Venka,
> This is a very good idea, it saves the wire transfer costs and the
> transaction is handled all in euros.
> Mike
> ----
> Michael Smith
> OSGeo Foundation Treasurer
> treasurer at osgeo.org
> From:  Board <board-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> on behalf of Venkatesh Raghavan
> <raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp>
> Date:  Friday, July 28, 2017 at 1:21 AM
> To:  OSGeo-Board <board at lists.osgeo.org>
> Subject:  Re: [Board] [FOSS4G 2016] Fwd: Re: [Journal] Feedback:
> [FOSS4GProceedings] Reminder - Publication of papers of the FOSS4G 2016
> AcademicTrac
>> Hi All,
>>   On second thought, we could also request the Bonn-LoC
>>   to handle this request from the surplus generated at
>>   FOSS4G-"016, Bonn.
>>   Best
>>   Venka
>>   On 2017/07/28 13:22, Shin, Sanghee wrote:
>>> Hi Venka,
>>> Yes, let’s go to the vote!
>>> Cheers,
>>> 신상희 드림
>>> ---
>>> Shin, Sanghee
>>> Gaia3D, Inc. - The GeoSpatial Company
>>> http://www.gaia3d.com
>>> 보낸 사람: Venka
>>> 보낸 날짜: 2017년 7월 28일 금요일 오후 12:53
>>> 받는 사람: OSGeo-Board
>>> 제목: Re: [Board] [FOSS4G 2016] Fwd: Re: [Journal] Feedback:
>>> [FOSS4GProceedings] Reminder - Publication of papers of the FOSS4G 2016
>>> AcademicTrac
>>> Dear All,
>>> I am forwarding a request from Academic Chair of FOSS4G-2016, Bonn
>>> regarding funding for formatting and layout of OSGeo Journal issue
>>> incorporating selected papers presented at FOSS4G-2016 (adademic track).
>>> The request is for 1200Euro, for 24 hours of work @50Euro/hour.
>>> Is it OK to start a Loomio voting to consider this request.
>>> Best
>>> Venka
>>> On 2017/07/23 23:35, Franz-Josef Behr wrote:
>>>> Dear Venka,
>>>> I hope you are fine!
>>>> (In fact I had the impression at FOSS4G Europe that you have too much
>>>> pressure at the moment.)
>>>> Nevertheless because of the request of Andy (see below) I'd like to come
>>>> back to the funding of 2 days work for formatting for another issue of
>>>> the OSGeo journal.
>>>> Whe will the decision of the board happen?
>>>> Best regards - Franz-Josef
>>>> -------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
>>>> Betreff:     Re: [Foss4g-academic] Preliminary FOSS4G 2017 Call for
>>>> Presentations Web Site
>>>> Datum:     Thu, 20 Jul 2017 17:06:09 +0000
>>>> Von:     Andy Anderson <aanderson at amherst.edu>
>>>> <mailto:aanderson at amherst.edu>
>>>> An:     Franz-Josef Behr <franz-josef.behr at hft-stuttgart.de>
>>>> <mailto:franz-josef.behr at hft-stuttgart.de>
>>>> Hi, Franz-Josef,
>>>> We are preparing proceedings for FOSS4G 2017, and was expecting that it
>>>> would be volume 17 of the OSGeo Journal. But I wanted to check with you
>>>> if there are 2016 proceedings that will be published as volume 16? I
>>>> don’t see them here:
>>>> https://journal.osgeo.org/index.php/journal
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> — Andy
>>>> Am 22.06.2017 um 16:18 schrieb Franz-Josef Behr:
>>>>> Dear Venka,
>>>>> I want to come back to the request for funding of 2 days work for
>>>>> formatting for another issue of the OSGeo journal.
>>>>> Best regards - Franz-Josef
>>>>> Am 10.05.2017 um 21:49 schrieb Franz-Josef Behr:
>>>>>> Dear Venka,
>>>>>> here the estimation from Barend regarding the amount necessary for
>>>>>> copyediting and layouting of the papers for the journal
>>>>>> Best regards - Franz-Josef
>>>>>>> -------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
>>>>>>> Betreff:     Re: [FOSS4G 2016] Fwd: Re: [Journal] Feedback: [FOSS4G
>>>>>>> Proceedings] Reminder - Publication of papers of the FOSS4G 2016
>>>>>>> Academic Trac
>>>>>>> Datum:     Fri, 21 Apr 2017 07:26:01 +0000
>>>>>>> Von:     b.j.kobben at utwente.nl
>>>>>>> An:     franz-josef.behr at hft-stuttgart.de
>>>>>>> sure, then 24 x 50 =*€ 1200,-*
>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>> Barend Köbben
>>>>>>> Senior Lecturer – ITC-University of Twente
>>>>>>> PO Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede (Netherlands)
>>>>>>> ITC Building (room 1-065)
>>>>>>> @barendkobben
>>>>>>> +31-(0)53 4874 253
>>>>>>> On 21/04/2017, 04:39, "Franz-Josef
>>>>>>> Behr"<franz-josef.behr at hft-stuttgart.de>
>>>>>>> <mailto:franz-josef.behr at hft-stuttgart.de>   wrote:
>>>>>>>       Dear Barend,
>>>>>>>       to be on the safe side: I suggest 24 hours, there might be
>>>>>>> issues with
>>>>>>>       the resolution of images and things like that.
>>>>>>>       What do you think? Can you update your offer?
>>>>>>>       Best regards - Franz-Josef
>>>>>>>       Am 19.04.2017 um 14:34 schriebb.j.kobben at utwente.nl:
>>>>>>>>       > Hi Franz-Josef,
>>>>>>>>       >
>>>>>>>>       > I don't see too much problems (other then that it is actually
>>>>>>> a list of 10 papers, not 9 ;-)
>>>>>>>>       >
>>>>>>>>       > Do I understand correctly that the papers should/could be
>>>>>>> published as is, that is I only need to copy-edit these into LaTeX
>>>>>>> and publish a OSGEO Journal volume in PDF...?
>>>>>>>>       >
>>>>>>>>       > If the academic chairs provide me with all the texts and
>>>>>>> graphics, and also a small introduction or editiorial, I would
>>>>>>> assume the 130 pages or so would take me maybe 2 full days to
>>>>>>> process. So let's say 16 hours à €50 is €800,-
>>>>>>>>       >
>>>>>>>>       > Does that sound reasonable?
>>>>>>>>       >
>>>>>>>>       >
>>>>>>>>       > --
>>>>>>>>       > Barend Köbben
>>>>>>>>       > Senior Lecturer – ITC-University of Twente
>>>>>>>>       > PO Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede (Netherlands)
>>>>>>>>       > ITC Building (room 1-065)
>>>>>>>>       > @barendkobben
>>>>>>>>       > +31-(0)53 4874 253
>>>>>>>>       >
>>>>>>>>       >
>>>>>>>>       > On 18/04/2017, 21:45, "Franz-Josef
>>>>>>> Behr"<franz-josef.behr at hft-stuttgart.de>
>>>>>>> <mailto:franz-josef.behr at hft-stuttgart.de>   wrote:
>>>>>>>>       >
>>>>>>>>       >      Dear Barend,
>>>>>>>>       >
>>>>>>>>       >      find attached the list of 9 papers
>>>>>>>>       >
>>>>>>> (FOSS4G2016_Submitted_Papers_2017_04_18_FJB_SV_TTV_CW_for_OSGeo.xlsx).
>>>>>>>>       >      You can see the number of pages in the sheet "for OSGeo
>>>>>>> Journal".
>>>>>>>>       >
>>>>>>>>       >      I also attach some papers (not all), just to give you an
>>>>>>> idea. Please
>>>>>>>>       >      note that author's nhame are not yet included.
>>>>>>>>       >
>>>>>>>>       >      I hope this is sufficient for a cost estimation.
>>>>>>>>       >
>>>>>>>>       >      Best regards - Franz-Josef
>>>>>>>>       >
>>>>>>>>       >
>>>>>>>>       >      Am 12.04.2017 um 09:20 schriebb.j.kobben at utwente.nl:
>>>>>>>>>       >      > Hi Franz-Josef,
>>>>>>>>>       >      >
>>>>>>>>>       >      > I have no idea about the amount of work, because I was
>>>>>>> not involved earlier I do not know:
>>>>>>>>>       >      > - how many papers were accepted
>>>>>>>>>       >      > - how large these papers are
>>>>>>>>>       >      > - how they were originally sent in (file-format, was a
>>>>>>> template used, separate images in high quality?)
>>>>>>>>>       >      >
>>>>>>>>>       >      > With that info (or even better, if you send me the
>>>>>>> paper originals) I could make an estimate of the amount of hours...
>>>>>>>>>       >      >
>>>>>>>>>       >      > yours,
>>>>>>>>>       >      >
>>>>>> Am 12.04.2017 um 07:15 schrieb Venka:
>>>>>>> Hi Fraz-Josef,
>>>>>>> Sorry, I seem to have missed your earlier mail
>>>>>>> regarding this matter.
>>>>>>> I will need to take this up with the board.
>>>>>>> Can you give an idea of the amount that you
>>>>>>> request for copyediting and layouting of
>>>>>>> papers for the journal issue?
>>>>>>> Best
>>>>>>> Venka
>>>>>>> On 2017/04/12 13:41, Franz-Josef Behr wrote:
>>>>>>>> Dear Venkatesh,
>>>>>>>> this is a gentle reminder upon my request for some financial
>>>>>>>> support from the board for the publication of the academic papers
>>>>>>>> of FOSS4G 2016.
>>>>>>>> Any decision yet?
>>>>>>>> Best regards - Franz-Josef
>>>>>>>> Am 29.03.2017 um 22:36 schrieb Franz-Josef Behr:
>>>>>>>> Dear Venkatesh,
>>>>>>>> one of my unfulfiled duties is the publication of several papers
>>>>>>>> submitted and accepted in the academic track of FOSS46 2016.
>>>>>>>> Eli suggests that some experienced people should do the
>>>>>>>> copyediting and layout for these papers to publish a new issue of
>>>>>>>> our OSGeo Journal. Till Adams recommended to contact the OSGeo
>>>>>>>> board if this work could be financed out of the surplus of the
>>>>>>>> conference held here in Germany.
>>>>>>>> Please let us know your opinion or suggestion.
>>>>>>>> Best regards - Franz-Josef
>>>>>>>> -------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
>>>>>>>> Betreff:     Re: [Journal] Feedback: [FOSS4G Proceedings]
>>>>>>>> Publication of papers of the FOSS4G 2016 Academic Trac
>>>>>>>> Datum:     Sun, 19 Feb 2017 08:13:40 -0800
>>>>>>>> Von:     Eli Adam <eadam at co.lincoln.or.us>
>>>>>>>> <mailto:eadam at co.lincoln.or.us>
>>>>>>>> Antwort an: eadam at co.lincoln.or.us
>>>>>>>> An:     Franz-Josef Behr <franz-josef.behr at hft-stuttgart.de>
>>>>>>>> <mailto:franz-josef.behr at hft-stuttgart.de>
>>>>>>>> Kopie (CC):     Christian Willmes <c.willmes at uni-koeln.de>
>>>>>>>> <mailto:c.willmes at uni-koeln.de>
>>>>>>>> Hi Franz-Josef,
>>>>>>>> Editing isn't necessarily done in svn but the source files are put
>>>>>>>> in svn.  Using svn can be especially useful if it is a
>>>>>>>> collaborative process between multiple people (someone else
>>>>>>>> assembles and then I copy edit and then they produce output).  I
>>>>>>>> would consider svn a minor detail. Use of svn can also be helpful
>>>>>>>> for coordinating correct volume number, etc. You can check
>>>>>>>> previous work,
>>>>>>>> http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/browser/journal/volume_14 or
>>>>>>>> http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/browser/journal/volume_13 etc.
>>>>>>>> *I do suggest paying someone since I've not seen volunteers
>>>>>>>> successfully completing professional level output in a timely
>>>>>>>> manner for four or five years.  It is a somewhat rare skill too.
>>>>>>>> *Someone who can professionally assemble multiple articles into a
>>>>>>>> journal volume. Barend and Gary are two that I know of but you
>>>>>>>> could certainly find others.  Please have whoever it is coordinate
>>>>>>>> with the conference committee.
>>>>>>>> I'm happy to help guide you (or someone you hire) through the
>>>>>>>> process.  Also happy to volunteer copy editing.
>>>>>>>> Best regards, Eli
>>>>>>>> On Sunday, February 19, 2017, Franz-Josef Behr
>>>>>>>> <franz-josef.behr at hft-stuttgart.de
>>>>>>>> <mailto:franz-josef.behr at hft-stuttgart.de>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>      Dear Eli,
>>>>>>>>      thank you for your message and the offered support.
>>>>>>>>      I'd like to understand better the process. Is the editing done
>>>>>>>>      through SVN? Do you suggest to pay somebody (I could ask the
>>>>>>>>      German FOSSGIS) for the editing work?
>>>>>>>>      Best regards - Franz-Josef
>>>>>>>>      Am 17.02.2017 um 18:16 schrieb Eli Adam:
>>>>>>>>          Hi Franz-Josef,
>>>>>>>>          To proceed, you need to find someone willing to guest edit an
>>>>>>>>          edition
>>>>>>>>          of the OSGeo Journal and assemble everything.  Is there
>>>>>>>> anyone
>>>>>>>>          from
>>>>>>>>          the LOC who might volunteer?   Hiring someone (Barend or Gary
>>>>>>>>          Sherman
>>>>>>>>          are the first possibilities I can think of and I don't
>>>>>>>> know if
>>>>>>>>          either
>>>>>>>>          are interested) might be a possibility too.
>>>>>>>>          I'll help with copy editing to check minor details are
>>>>>>>> consistent
>>>>>>>>          (spelling, page numbers, etc).  I can also help get people
>>>>>>>>          access to
>>>>>>>>          svn or add the material for them.
>>>>>>>>          Best regards, Eli
>>>>>>>>          On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 12:33 AM, Christian Willmes
>>>>>>>> <c.willmes at uni-koeln.de> <mailto:c.willmes at uni-koeln.de>  wrote:
>>>>>>>>              Hi,
>>>>>>>>              I agreed to help in technical regards, with the OJS
>>>>>>>>              Journal system,
>>>>>>>>              uploading the Papers etc., but I won't help with the
>>>>>>>> LaTeX
>>>>>>>>              editing, I am
>>>>>>>>              not good at this kind of work, checking on formalities
>>>>>>>> etc...
>>>>>>>>              Best,
>>>>>>>>              Christian
>>>>>>>>              Am 16.02.2017 um 21:34 schrieb
>>>>>>>> franz-josef.behr at hft-stuttgart.de:
>>>>>>>>                  Kategorie: FOSS4G Proceedings
>>>>>>>>                  Dear colleagues,
>>>>>>>>                  as announced for the Academic Track of FOSS4G 2016,
>>>>>>>>                  accepted papers
>>>>>>>>                  papers
>>>>>>>>                  should be published in the OSGeo Journal.
>>>>>>>>                  How can we proceed? Christian Willmes is a little
>>>>>>>>                  involved.
>>>>>>>>                  Regards
>>>>>>>>                  Franz-Josef
>>>>>>>>                  Sent from
>>>>>>>> http://www.osgeo.org/feedback/journal<http://www.osgeo.org/feedback/jour
>>>>>>>> nal> by Franz-Josef
>>>>>>>>                  Behr.
>>>>>>>>                  Site Name: OSGeo.org
>>>>>>>>                  Entered Name: Franz-Josef Behr
>>>>>>>>                  E-Mail-Adresse: franz-josef.behr at hft-stuttgart.de
>>>>>>>>                  Referring page:
>>>>>>>> http://www.osgeo.org/feedback/journal<http://www.osgeo.org/feedback/jour
>>>>>>>> nal>
>>>>>>>>                  IP Address:
>>>>>>>> http://whois.domaintools.com/<http://whois.domaintools.com/
>>>>>>>>                  Browser info: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64;
>>>>>>>>                  rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101
>>>>>>>>                  Firefox/51.0
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>>>>>>>>              --
>>>>>>>>              Christian Willmes
>>>>>>>>              AG GIS & Fernerkundung      | GIS & RS Group
>>>>>>>>              Geographisches Institut     | Institute of Geography
>>>>>>>>              Universität zu Köln         | University of Cologne
>>>>>>>>              Tel.: +49 (0)221 470 6234
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