[Board] F2F Meeting mins available

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Wed Jul 19 22:38:40 PDT 2017

mins are available here:


*The overall goal of the meeting is to coordinate two "hot topics" for the
OSGeo community: event attendance costs and OSGeo project health. We should
leave this meeting with a clear way forward on these two issues; providing
a list of actions to take prior to next Boston F2F meeting.*

Related action items:

* *Vasile:* will gather up the background on costs from email threads,
proposals, so we have better understanding on what is possible for
discussion in Boston (so we can have this discussion at boston f2f with
facts rather than opinion).
* *Helena:* agm reminder. projects that do not make the agm can be invited
to next meeting
* *Venka:* contact working group and ask to report results
* *Jody:* otb graduation approved, ask Jeff McKenna to update website

Approved motions:

* Motion 1: OSGeo Breakfast Meeting $1000 budget, to cover $900 expected
* Motion 2: Authorize Vasile and Angelos to open a euro account

Additional action items:

* vasile: advertise hackathon in september
* maria/jody: describe UN committee for new website
* venka/jody: 1) review LocationTech relationship as written
* venka/angelous/jody: 2) chat marc this week.
* action maria/jody: double check if there is a map for events?
* venka/jeff johnson to follow up about LDAP / Website requirements contract
* venka/angilous - current website database and local directories
* Maria: Reach out to Kate, reach out to partners, angelous reach out paul
* HOT: Maira to reach out
* Angelos: Ask Brian to reach out to Natural Earths
* Jody: Contact Open Source Initiative
* Michael set up cla legal review

Jody Garnett
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