[Board] F2F Meeting mins available

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu Jul 20 04:56:42 PDT 2017

The OSGeo homepage now lists Orfeo ToolBox as an OSGeo Project. 
Congratulations to the OTB team!!!!  And thank you to Landon for 
mentoring.  I have also updated the Incubation wiki, as well as the 
OSGeo Wikipedia page.  Manuel: please let me know if you need help 
updating any other pages with this big news.


Jeff McKenna
President Emeritus, OSGeo Foundation

On 2017-07-20 7:38 AM, Jody Garnett wrote:
> mins are available here: 
> https://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php?title=Face_to_Face_Meeting_Paris_2017
> Goals:
> /The overall goal of the meeting is to coordinate two "hot topics" for 
> the OSGeo community: event attendance costs and OSGeo project health. We 
> should leave this meeting with a clear way forward on these two issues; 
> providing a list of actions to take prior to next Boston F2F meeting./
> Related action items:
> * *Vasile:* will gather up the background on costs from email threads, 
> proposals, so we have better understanding on what is possible for 
> discussion in Boston (so we can have this discussion at boston f2f with 
> facts rather than opinion).
> * *Helena:* agm reminder. projects that do not make the agm can be 
> invited to next meeting
> * *Venka:* contact working group and ask to report results
> * *Jody:* otb graduation approved, ask Jeff McKenna to update website
> Approved motions:
> * Motion 1: OSGeo Breakfast Meeting $1000 budget, to cover $900 expected 
> costs
> * Motion 2: Authorize Vasile and Angelos to open a euro account
> Additional action items:
> * vasile: advertise hackathon in september
> * maria/jody: describe UN committee for new website
> * venka/jody: 1) review LocationTech relationship as written
> * venka/angelous/jody: 2) chat marc this week.
> * action maria/jody: double check if there is a map for events?
> * venka/jeff johnson to follow up about LDAP / Website requirements contract
> * venka/angilous - current website database and local directories
> * Maria: Reach out to Kate, reach out to partners, angelous reach out 
> paul norman
> * HOT: Maira to reach out
> * Angelos: Ask Brian to reach out to Natural Earths
> * Jody: Contact Open Source Initiative
> * Michael set up cla legal review
> --
> Jody Garnett

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