[Board] Dear President

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Thu Nov 2 13:18:29 PDT 2017


Just a clarification:
Today's topic was discussion about the positions of President and 
Vice-Presidents. No decisions were taken, the discussion goes on.
One year ago the previous board already took a decision that those seats 
would be filled by elected board members. The bylaws on the other hand 
permit this.

The idea for Venka to remain as a president was just an idea during the 
discussion with a goal to address the concern of Sanghee and include 
representation from Asia. It was not a motion and I never communicated 
this to Venka before thowing in the idea. We should have communicated 
this better.

Venka, sorry for putting you on the spot without asking your 
intentions/opinion first.


On 11/02/2017 08:05 PM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
> Dear Venka-sensei,
> Today during the OSGeo Board meeting, Angelos and I vocally proposed 
> you remain as the OSGeo President (to be honest, I proposed a dual 
> presidency of both you and Helena).  I think this is a magical team.
> I formally request that you attend the next OSGeo Board meeting, as 
> the OSGeo President (even if you cannot attend, you will still be the 
> OSGeo President). But I think attending can help.
> I would very much like to see OSGeo's first dual presidency of Helena 
> and you in place.  (let's leave the bylaws aside for a second, and 
> this is me proposing this to you)
> Thank you Venka for your leadership.  (I had suggested this to Helena 
> during the meeting)  Thank you also Helena for your continued great 
> leadership.  You both have my utmost respect.  I thought about this 
> all of last night.
> With all my love, passion, life, energy, heart, career, ability to 
> earn a living, willingness to help others through even the worst 
> attacks and criticisms, willingness to take one for the team, 
> willingness to fall down even in front of thousands, willing to just 
> try, I am forever yours OSGeo,
> -Jeff McKenna
> Family.
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Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
Charter Member
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

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