[Board] community project contact draft email thread
Cameron Shorter
cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sat Dec 22 15:03:06 PST 2018
Jody, board,
I question the wisdom of managing community project budgets through the
OSGeo board instead of through one of OSGeo's sub-committees (probably
the incubation committee in this case).
Centralising important decisions (such as budget management) disempowers
the volunteers within that committee, increases the workload on the
board, and is contrary to the bottom up coordination which typifies
successful open source projects.
How would you feel about board members subscribing to the incubation
committee email list, and then making community project related
decisions within the framework of the incubation committee? (Same
workload, different forum). It would provide a more targeted discussion
for community projects to engage in, will empower a broader community to
participate, and has potential to attract more people into the committee.
Cheers, Cameron
On 22/12/18 11:46 am, Jody Garnett wrote:
> So with that in mind,
> Here is a draft email for feedback before we send it out:
> /*Subject: *2019 Community project budget/
> /Good afternoon:/
> /We are reaching out to the osgeo community as part of setting our
> foundation's budget for 2019. As a community project we would like
> to know how we can help you in the year ahead./
> /The board is managing a budget for the community project program
> this year and we invite your input, either to the board email
> email list, or by participating in the January board meeting./
> /--/
> /Jody Garnett, Board of Directors/
> And a second draft for those in incubation:
> /*Subject: *2019 Community project budget/
> /Good afternoon:/
> /The OSGeo board is reaching out to our community as part of
> setting the foundation's 2019 budget. The //board is managing a
> budget for the community project program this year and invites
> your input, either on the board email list, or by participating in
> the January board meeting./
> /
> /
> /As incubation chair I am also putting together a budget request
> for 2019 and will be attending the board January board meeting. If
> your project has plans to work towards graduation this year let's
> discuss on the incubation list any ways we can help out
> financially. While the incubation committee cannot hire someone to
> perform the code providence review (your team gaining experience
> is part of incubation), we would be more than happy to help your
> team members attend the OSGeo code sprint, or help setup a
> face-to-face meeting with your incubation mentor.//
> /
> /--/
> /Jody Garnett, Incubation Chair/
> Feedback welcome
> On Fri, 21 Dec 2018 at 16:32, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com
> <mailto:jody.garnett at gmail.com>> wrote:
> Action item out of yesterday's board meeting to reach out to
> community projects
> .
> - looking at managing community projects as a group as a board
> initiative, so a group budget
> - for those in incubation we are going to try and bump up the
> incubation budget to support incubation sprints
> - want to reach out to community projects asking for their input
> (assume input is sent to board email list?)
> - I would like to mention a date for the January meeting if we
> can establish one :)
> - did I miss anything above?
> --
> Jody Garnett
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Cameron Shorter
Technology Demystifier
Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant
M +61 (0) 419 142 254
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