[Board] Chat to discuss inclusivity issues

María Arias de Reyna delawen at gmail.com
Tue Feb 20 08:08:43 PST 2018

Dear Board (and fellow members),

Maybe you missed the conversation here:

We are debating how to approach on the best way the problem of inclusion
and laws in different countries that may prevent different FOSS4G events to
comply with the CoC.

Mark wants to have a chat with us soon (this week?) to make sure we have a
common ground and create good guidelines for this. We have pending deciding
when to meet.

I know this in a rush and we will have to discuss more and with more people
in the following weeks/months (Bonn?). But it is good that for next FOSS4G
we have a clear statement about security as soon as possible. In case you
are wondering: there shouldn't be any major issue.

And then we can define guidelines for the future, like can we host FOSS4G
in a country where some people are banned? (And I fear that includes USA,
which I know is a major issue.)

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