[Board] [OSGeo-Conf] Voting Results of RfP 2019

Paul Ramsey pramsey at cleverelephant.ca
Tue Jan 2 11:32:59 PST 2018

I found the reminders helpful, as it was easy to "later" the decision
and let it fall to the bottom of the inbox.
I did manage to vote though. :)
I also managed to read the responses, which was a larger commitment
than the voting.
If I can put myself in the heads of the non-voters, perhaps they never
got around to reading the responses and thus didn't feel they should
cast a vote (good for them, on that score). However, if the annual
time commitment to read the responses is too high, stepping aside
seems like a reasonable thing to do.

On Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 7:06 AM, Till Adams <till.adams at fossgis.de> wrote:
> Dear Jody,
> sorry for m late response, I took some days out. Sorry to say, but I have
> really no idea. I think it was not the time-frame in general, as we had
> nearly the same dates last year and we had a low voting response on the
> LoI's also.
> From my point of view it was also definitively not a lack of information, as
> I sent around several emails and also reminded the voters several times.
> Others might me correct here - of course I think that my own information
> policy was correct ;-). But in the end the dates have been clear right from
> the beginning of the whole process - with the exception, that we extended
> the period for one week, but I also informed everybody on that and there was
> also some discussion on this topic - so, just watching the mailing-list
> should be enough to get that information.
> I sent out personal emails to the non-voters, but I did it today, so no
> reactions to expect yet. Just to make it open: Out of 15 voting members, we
> had 9 votes, 5 non-voters plus Vasile, who of course did not vote. As said,
> I contacted each member, that did not vote and asked for reasons. I also
> pleased the members, that also did not vote on the LoI to review their
> membership and eventually to step back if they can't guarantee to vote for
> the next rfp.
> For the upcoming weeks I want to do several things, that hopefully improve
> and ease our work, I also put the item "new members" on my agenda. I also
> want to setup the time schedule for the 2020-rfp early this year.
> So far (and happy new year!)
> Till
> Am 22.12.2017 um 20:03 schrieb Jody Garnett:
> Quick question Till, is there a reason for the low voting response from the
> conference committee? Just bad timing with holidays, or did committee
> members feel too close to the competing bids, ...
> --
> Jody Garnett
> On 18 December 2017 at 23:29, Till Adams <till.adams at fossgis.de> wrote:
>> Dear board,
>> the conference committee has voted. We have a clear quorum for the
>> *Bucharest* proposal.
>> So, as chair of the conference committee, I propose to accept the quorum
>> and officially choose Bucharest as location for hosting our global
>> FOSS4G 2019.
>> Regards, Till
>> > Dear OSGeo-Community,
>> >
>> > it's my pleasure to publish, that FOSS4G 2019 will take place in
>> >
>> > ***Bucharest***
>> >
>> > Congratulations to the Bucharest team! Now the work begins...
>> >
>> > We received 9 votes, from out of 14 CC members (there are 15 members
>> > including Vasile, who did of course not vote), which is enough for
>> > quorum. Congrats to the winners and also my respect for the Sevilla team
>> > for their fair competition and their great proposal! It could have been
>> > both locations.
>> >
>> >
>> > Best regards, Till
>> >
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