[Board] Motion to sponsor FOSS4G 2018 at the highest level

Mark Iliffe markiliffe at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 09:33:31 PDT 2018

Hi Venka,

These are all good questions. With the World Bank sponsorship, this enables
us to offset a significant proportion of the venue costs ($100k out of
$150k), and in effect has enabled us to bring 51 TGP attendees in place of
10. The fees for venue, accommodation, food and drink for FOSS4G run to
around $350k - these are higher than originally budgeted for, in part due
to rising costs due to various economic situations and us making decisions
about how to widen access (charging $75 per workshop, not $100 for
example). Additional sponsorship from OSGeo will enable access to the
conference from local attendees, bring videoing of key sessions.

With all of this, I'd question openly about who we are doing this
conference for, whether for the existing OSGeo community, or the one yet to
be developed? In Africa, the gulf between those with the means to attend
such conferences is far out of the reach of the common developer/small
business where our tools can have the greatest economical and societal
impact. This fundamentally changes the dynamics in play here. In sponsoring
"the conference [OSGeo] has created" OSGeo will widen the participation of
the East African community even further. I would also stress that my LOC
has not taken one cent of financial support from OSGeo to this point - we
will have a conference for our attendees through completely independently
raised funding - granted using the brand of OSGeo, but unfortunately
branding alone does not put on a conference.

I believe that what we, and geo at large can have a transformational impact
for East Africa, hence volunteering to put this together. I've never
chaired a FOSS4G before and I doubt I will again, someone else can have the
honour! But, I firmly believe the decisions that have been made are made in
the best interests of the conference and the mission that we articulated to
the community in our proposal.  This is an atypical FOSS4G with our
location and mission and there are many unique aspects to this conference
ranging from mission to financing. We are working hard to get it right, and
to put on the best FOSS4G yet, with a unique and distinct African flavor!

In terms of OSGeo sponsorship, we're 67 days away. This means that I can
articulate in direct terms the opportunity for the board as a whole. OSGeo
sponsorship will provide:

- Up-to 75 further attendees + from economically disadvantaged
- An expansion of the Travel Grant Programme;
- Video recording of keynotes and other sessions;

I hope that clarifies some of the opportunity here. As ever, I remain at
the disposal of the board to answer any questions or queries that may arise.



On 20 June 2018 at 10:30, Venka <venka.osgeo at gmail.com> wrote:

> FOSS4G-Dar-e-Salam won the bid by stating that they have
> firm commitment from World Bank for supporting the
> conference with 100K of funds [1]. That was one of the
> reason for the other bid from Asia to drop out after
> the first round [2].
> So, why does FOSS4G-Dar-e-Salam request for sponsorship
> from OSGeo foundation if they have already secured 100K (that
> they highlighted during the the bid?
> And, why must the OSGeo Foundation be sponsoring the conference
> that they have created?
> And, why do workshop presenters have to pay for training people
> (whom they are attracting) at FOSS4G event?
> Something beyond my understanding.
> Venka
> [1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G2018_Q%26A_Dar_es_Salaam
> [2] https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/conference_dev/2016-Novemb
> er/004136.html
> On 6/20/2018 11:04 PM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
>> Dear fellow Board members,
>> I have started a vote on Loomio at: https://www.loomio.org/p/DI8cU
>> Gku/motion-to-sponsor-foss4g-2018-at-the-highest-sponsorshi
>> p-level-tanzanite-30-000usd-
>> As described there, this motion is to increase OSGeo's sponsorship of the
>> FOSS4G 2018 event, to the highest level of sponsorship. The funding can be
>> used by the local committee at their discretion, and ensures top visibility
>> for OSGeo at its own conference.
>> FOSS4G 2018 is a unique situation, and I believe the OSGeo Board must
>> show its utmost support to the organizers.
>> I will start with my +1
>> Thanks,
>> -jeff
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