[Board] Minneapolis Community Sprint 2019

María Arias de Reyna delawen at gmail.com
Sun Nov 18 23:29:06 PST 2018


Would it be fine if we wait until the Board election finishes to discuss
and approve this?

On Fri, Nov 16, 2018 at 8:14 PM Lime, Steve D (MNIT) <steve.lime at state.mn.us>

> Hi all: We’ve been doing some serious planning around hosting a
> community/code sprint in Minneapolis next spring and things look like they
> will come together nicely – I’m asking for OSGeo’s support for the event.
> We have formed a local committee consisting of members of the Twin Cities
> MapServer User Group (the local OSGeo chapter), the University of Minnesota
> U Spatial organization and SharedGeo – a local non-profit. A sprint page is
> taking shape here:
>   https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Community_Sprint_2019
> At a glance:
>   When: May 14-17 (4 days)
>   Where: Minneapolis, MN – University of Minnesota (Wilson Research
> Collaboration Studio)
>   Anticipated attendance: 50+
>   Projects: we expect a wide variety of projects to be represented - folks
> from MapServer, the LiDAR community, GeoMoose and PostGIS have already
> committed to attend.
> Have secured event space and have already began reaching out to sponsors –
> with success. We are working on preliminary budget that will be posted at
> the link above. The space is being made available at no charge thanks to
> our partnership with U Spatial so sponsorship dollars will go largely
> towards daily meals and ice breaker events for the attendees.
> Thanks for your consideration… Best regards!
> --Steve
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