[Board] Collaboration with the National GeoTech Center of Excellence

Cheung, Wing wcheung at palomar.edu
Sat Jan 26 15:57:14 PST 2019

Hello everyone,

My name is Wing Cheung, and I am an Assistant Director with the National Science Foundation funded GeoTech Center of Excellence (http://www.geotechcenter.org/) and a Professor of GIS/Geography at Palomar College, San Marcos, CA. The GeoTech Center's mission is to prepare students for the geospatial workforce by providing educators and students with geospatial curriculum and training opportunities. I was wondering if the OSGeo Board is interested in formalizing a no-cost partnership with the GeoTech Center. We are grateful for what the Open Source Geospatial Foundation is already doing in terms of its support of our annual Geospatial Technology Student Skills Competition http://www.geotechcenter.org/2019-geospatial-technology-skills-competition.html , and we will like to explore additional collaboration opportunities such as sponsoring educational participants from community colleges at FOSS4G-NA, or presenting at each other's conferences (our annual conference is GeoEd http://www.geotechcenter.org/geoed-19.html).

Our current list of partners include organizations such as ASPRS, GISCI, URISA, and others. http://www.geotechcenter.org/center-partners.html

Thank you,

Wing Cheung PhD, GISP
Professor of Geography and GIS,
Assistant Director of National Geospatial Technology Center of Excellence,
Department Chair of Earth, Space and Environmental Sciences,
Palomar College, San Marcos, CA 92069
(760)744-1150 ext.3652<tel:%28760%297441150%20ext.3652>

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