[Board] Fwd: 2019 Season of Docs: Organization Payment Request Form

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sat Nov 2 00:04:26 PDT 2019


The OSGeo Foundation should be receiving 2x$500=$1000 from Google for 
our Season of Docs involvement.

I've nominated you as treasurer to receive funds. I'm assuming someone 
from Google will reach out to you soon.

Cheers, Cameron

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	2019 Season of Docs: Organization Payment Request Form
Date: 	Sat, 02 Nov 2019 06:58:56 +0000
From: 	Google Forms <forms-receipts-noreply at google.com>
To: 	cameron.shorter at gmail.com

  2019 Season of Docs: Organization Payment Request Form

If your open source organization is participating in Season of Docs 2019 
and would like to receive the stipend payment, please fill out this 
form. The stipend amount is $500 per technical writer mentored by your 
organization. FORM DEADLINE: Please submit the form by end of day 
Tuesday, November 5, 2019. For more information on stipends for 
organizations, see 

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