[Board] OSGeo / OGC collaboration update

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sat Jan 18 21:04:56 PST 2020

While I like the idea of OSGeo having a vote on the OGC, I think it 
would be impractical in practice.

As OSGeo are all volunteers, who would take responsibility for casting 
the vote. How will that person collate the opinions of the thousands of 
volunteers in a reasonable timeframe?

 From my personal experience, if an OSGeo member has a compelling 
opinion to share with the OGC, then the OGC have been very supportive of 
ensuring that opinion is heard. We probably don't need to introduce a 
complex process to formalise something which happens well already.

On 17/1/20 1:12 pm, Scott Simmons wrote:
>>> 3. OSGeo voting status
>>> We briefly discussed OSGeo having a vote as part of our membership.  Any thoughts
>>> on this possibility?
> Let’s connect this topic to that of the MOU.
Cameron Shorter
Technology Demystifier
Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant

M +61 (0) 419 142 254

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