[Board] flickring out ...

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Mon Jan 27 14:07:50 PST 2020

I am letting my Flickr account lapse ... next week. If anyone wants to
collect historic foss4g content before then.
Jody Garnett

On Mon, 11 Feb 2019 at 07:43, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com> wrote:

> Flickr has extended until March 12 -
> https://www.flickr.com/help/forum/en-us/72157676293604137/
> --
> Jody Garnett
> On Wed, 6 Feb 2019 at 02:55, Steven Feldman <shfeldman at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Not sure that retrospectively marking your photos as CC will work. flickr
>> says:
>> "Anything uploaded with a CC license before November 1, 2018, won’t be
>> deleted,”
>> There again they may let you change them and keep them, who knows!
>> An OSGeo Pro account may be the answer, we should apply for one and then
>> reach out to the owners of the non CC images to get them to allows us to
>> copy into our account. This is going to be time consuming unless someone
>> can find a way to automate
>> ______
>> Steven
>> Unusual maps in strange places -  mappery.org
>> Subscribe to my weekly “Maps in the Wild <http://eepurl.com/dKStT-/>”
>> newsletter
>> On 5 Feb 2019, at 18:30, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Excellent legwork Steven, so what we should do short term is contact
>> those near the 1000 mark and ask them to mark the images as Creative
>> Commons.
>> I have been marking my as CCbyA (since it is a great outreach example on
>> use of an open license ....)
>> --
>> Jody Garnett
>> On Tue, 5 Feb 2019 at 02:31, Steven Feldman <shfeldman at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hiya
>>> Copied Barry Rowlingson in as he is one of those mentioned.
>>> I am an admin on the FOSS4G Group on flickr
>>> It’s not quite the impending disaster that it may seem. See
>>> http://blog.flickr.net/en/2018/11/07/the-commons-the-past-is-100-part-of-our-future/
>>> Key points:
>>>    - If your images were uploaded as Creative Commons (mine were) then
>>>    they will not be removed from flickr but unless you upgrade to Pro you
>>>    won’t be able to upload any more images
>>>    - There is a programme for 501(c)(3)’s to apply for a free Pro
>>>    account at
>>>    https://help.flickr.com/en_us/discounts-for-non-profit-organizations-rJio8cn7 we
>>>    would probably be able to get an OSGeo Pro account - we would still have to
>>>    work out how we could enable our snap happy members to upload to this
>>>    account
>>> Cheers
>>> ______
>>> Steven
>>> Unusual maps in strange places -  mappery.org
>>> @MapsintheWild <http://twitter.com/mapsinthewild>
>>> On 5 Feb 2019, at 06:01, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I was having a more serious look at our OSGeo Flickr group (some great
>>> early pictures of foss4g 2006 and the first osgeo booth). And downloading
>>> some photos that looked fun (mostly from Ian Turton).
>>> I discovered I am an admin in the osgeo group, and I can look at the
>>> members and see a) who has over 1000 photos and b) who is "pro" (and will
>>> keep over 1000 photos). To keep these early photos we can consider reaching
>>> out to:
>>> https://www.flickr.com/groups/osgeo/members/
>>>    - Ian Turton: 2326
>>>    - Jody Garnett: 3192
>>>    - Jeffrey Johnson: 7720
>>>    - Astrid: 996
>>> https://www.flickr.com/groups/foss4g/members/
>>>    - Guido Stein: 1222
>>>    - Steven Feldman: 3334
>>>    - Joe Larson: 1142
>>>    - Bazza Seaotter: 1615
>>> This is a surprisingly small list, with many of these members are still
>>> active in our community.
>>> Rather than watch this history vanish (on OSGeo's birthday no less) can
>>> we consider contacting these individuals once we have a place to store old
>>> photos (and ask them to upload again), or expense a Flickr pro subscription
>>> to give SAC more time?
>>> Any word on if next cloud is suitable for holding photos?
>>> --
>>> Jody Garnett
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