[Board] MOSS becoming the first OSGeo Heritage Project

Peter Löwe peter.loewe at gmx.de
Thu Oct 1 01:11:47 PDT 2020

Hi Board,

thanks for voting during the Board Meeting on 2020-09-28 to create a new OSGeo heritage project type, add it on web site and include MOSS under this category.

Please advise how to tackle the project best ("idea to store the code on guitea and mirror to github") regarding who's the primary caretaker, resources/budget (if necessary) and stakeholders to get involved (-> OSGeo SAC / Incubation / Lexicon committees) ?

Currently only local transient copies of a rediscovered snapshot of the MOSS codebase exist. The exact version of the codebase and its completeness remains to be determined.


<peter.loewe at gmx.de>

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