[Board] Board meeting 2020-09-28

Till Adams till.adams at fossgis.de
Tue Sep 29 08:43:39 PDT 2020

Dear Florian,

that is right, but as far as I understood, the time pressure is not that
high as it supposed to be?

Maybe we can have a meeting during next week?


Am 28.09.20 um 10:56 schrieb Florian Hoedt:
> Hello
> I see #10 is the NFDI4Agriculture update. We have not listed OSGeo as participant and it is to late to do so for the call. Nonetheless, we still would like to investigate the synergies between OSGeo and the NFDI4Agri project. I still need to catch up with Astrid and Till to talk. Just drop me an email or call me.
> From what I read in the gitea OSGeo misunderstood the initial idea of mine. The GeoNode PSC wanted to participate in the NFDI4Agri call - in the role of a 'Participant'. Those role is to actively contribute to the NFDI project. In case of GeoNode by consulting our NFDI developers to enhance and modify GeoNodes codebase to better fit for scientific data, eg by adding contrib apps. Since GeoNode is part of OSGeo my idea was, that OSGeos active contribution would be settled by GeoNodes community. I understand that this is something OSGeo is not happy with which is totally fine.
> yours,
> Florian

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