[Board] On-boarding meeting

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Tue Dec 28 03:04:27 PST 2021

Dear Board members,

First of all I would like to thank the previous board members Astrid, 
Helena and Till for their valuable contributions during their term. It 
was a pleasure working with you!

I would like to welcome Adam, Codrina, Marco, Rajat and Vicky to the 
board of directors!
I would also like to thank Tina for running in the elections.

As discussed yesterday, we need to have 2 meetings in January:
* The on-boarding meeting to welcome new board members and walk the 
on-boarding list 
Proposed dates Jan 3 or Jan 10 at 16:00 UTC. Please let me know if one 
of these days work for you.
* Monthly meeting. The previous board used to hold a monthly meeting at 
the last Monday of every month at 16:00 UTC. The date in this case would 
be Jan 31.

We might also need a budget working session to prepare the 2022 budget. 
Date to be determined in the on-boarding meeting.

Best regards,

Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

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