[Board] Giswater incubation program

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Mon Nov 21 13:17:05 PST 2022

Board members:

Jody Garnett reporting in from the incubation committee, where we were
pleased to review / mention / and get to know the Giswater team as they
successfully applied to join the OSGeo community program.

The following motion was passed (on Nov 10th):

> Motion: Recommend Giswater for OSGeo community project initiative

Can I ask that the GIswater be considered for the osgeo community program
at the next board meeting.

Some links and background:

   - OSGeo Project page: https://www.osgeo.org/projects/giswater/
   - The Giswater project actually already has a association (
   https://www.giswater.org/asociacion/), so it would behoove OSGeo to make
   a MOU with the Giswater Association (much like we do with the QGIS.org and
   gvSig associations).
   - This is a really neat sustainability story from an open source
   adoption perspective - an industry specific vertical application (water
   management) rather than more general purpose tools OSGeo has a history of
   success with.  This would be a great example of how open source geospatial
   software (and OSGeo) can grow and add value.

If you are really interested, here is what the incubation committee asked
the project to assemble for review.

*1. Be geospatial:*
readme: https://github.com/Giswater/giswater_water_models/blob/master/README.md
*- product page: https://www.osgeo.org/projects/giswater/
<https://www.osgeo.org/projects/giswater/> *
*- docs: https://www.giswater.org/giswater-manual/

*2. free license or open source license*
*- GPL: https://github.com/Giswater/docs/blob/master/LICENSE
*- check headers: team confirmed*

*3. welcome participation*
*- https://github.com/Giswater/docs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
*- https://github.com/Giswater/giswater_qgis_plugin
<https://github.com/Giswater/giswater_qgis_plugin> has lots of issues and
prs *
*- https://github.com/Giswater/docs/tree/master/association/code_of_conduct

Jody Garnett
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