[Board] Giswater incubation program

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Wed Nov 23 01:26:57 PST 2022

Thank you Jody,

It has been added in the next board meeting agenda.

On 11/21/22 23:17, Jody Garnett via Board wrote:
> Board members:
> Jody Garnett reporting in from the incubation committee, where we were
> pleased to review / mention / and get to know the Giswater team as they
> successfully applied to join the OSGeo community program.
> The following motion was passed (on Nov 10th):
>> Motion: Recommend Giswater for OSGeo community project initiative
> Can I ask that the GIswater be considered for the osgeo community program
> at the next board meeting.
> Some links and background:
>     - OSGeo Project page: https://www.osgeo.org/projects/giswater/
>     - The Giswater project actually already has a association (
>     https://www.giswater.org/asociacion/), so it would behoove OSGeo to make
>     a MOU with the Giswater Association (much like we do with the QGIS.org and
>     gvSig associations).
>     - This is a really neat sustainability story from an open source
>     adoption perspective - an industry specific vertical application (water
>     management) rather than more general purpose tools OSGeo has a history of
>     success with.  This would be a great example of how open source geospatial
>     software (and OSGeo) can grow and add value.
> If you are really interested, here is what the incubation committee asked
> the project to assemble for review.
> *1. Be geospatial:*
> *-
> readme: https://github.com/Giswater/giswater_water_models/blob/master/README.md
> <https://github.com/Giswater/giswater_water_models/blob/master/README.md>*
> *- product page: https://www.osgeo.org/projects/giswater/
> <https://www.osgeo.org/projects/giswater/> *
> *- docs: https://www.giswater.org/giswater-manual/
> <https://www.giswater.org/giswater-manual/>*
> *2. free license or open source license*
> *- GPL: https://github.com/Giswater/docs/blob/master/LICENSE
> <https://github.com/Giswater/docs/blob/master/LICENSE>*
> *- check headers: team confirmed*
> *3. welcome participation*
> *- https://github.com/Giswater/docs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
> <https://github.com/Giswater/docs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md>,
> https://github.com/Giswater/docs/blob/master/github/pdf/code_of_conduct.pdf
> <https://github.com/Giswater/docs/blob/master/github/pdf/code_of_conduct.pdf>*
> *- https://github.com/Giswater/giswater_qgis_plugin
> <https://github.com/Giswater/giswater_qgis_plugin> has lots of issues and
> prs *
> *- https://github.com/Giswater/docs/tree/master/association/code_of_conduct
> <https://github.com/Giswater/docs/tree/master/association/code_of_conduct>*
> --
> Jody Garnett
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Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

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