[Board] opengis activity completed

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Tue Oct 31 01:15:56 PDT 2023

Thank you Jody for the excellent update on the topic.

On 10/30/23 21:24, Jody Garnett via Board wrote:
> In the category of "this email could of been an agenda topic" I am closing
> out this topic with an email rather than take up time in tomorrow's meeting.
> The recent release of GeoTools 30.0 met the key goal of the "opengis
> harmonization" activity.
> Good:
>     - The production of a refactor script went* far better than expected*:
>        - to the point where all osgeo projects have transitioned
>        successfully (priority).
>        - Indeed all the active projects contacted have transitioned without
>        incident
>     - mapfish-print-v2 library (from orphaned osgeo project) was untangled
>     over the course of this activity; with the result that GeoNode can now use
>     GeoServer out-of-the-box. A benefit that will be be welcome by GeoNode
>     community, and also GeoCat Live which will have an easier time managing
>     projects.
>     - With all osgeo projects transitioned there is no further call for
>     funding this activity in Q4 as anticipated
> Poor:
>     - Our fund raising did not match the anticipated budget, resulting in
>     some use of weekends and evenings for me personally in September. While I
>     understand that being a steering committee member can involve cleaning up
>     after the party is done, we should keep in mind that activity estimates
>     were accurate  (rare in IT)
>     - The geotools documentation
>     <https://docs.geotools.org/latest/userguide/library/api/index.html>
>     remains somewhat in shambles after the activity (with some diagrams and
>     descriptions left in a a confusing state).
> Communication:
>     - The GeoTools 30.0 release
>     <http://geotoolsnews.blogspot.com/2023/10/geotools-300-released.html> calls
>     out the activity in a heading, with a nice graphic that can be used in AGM
>     slides. It also takes some time to thank OSGeo an use the activity as
>     illustrative of the role and value of OSGeo as a software foundation.
>     - I have updated the opengis harmonization
>     <https://www.osgeo.org/opengis-harmonization/> page to reflect the
>     activity completing. Martin had some feedback online, rather than risk
>     inconsistencies I have added a link to GeoAPI History
>     <https://desruisseaux.github.io/history/GeoAPI.html>
>     - The general "osgeo initiatives <https://www.osgeo.org/initiatives/>"
>     page has been updated to reflect the activity being completed; and the page
>     has been removed from the website navigation menu as it is no longer active.
>     - Engaged in mild promotion
>     <https://www.linkedin.com/posts/osgeo_geotools-300-released-activity-7119436066863910912-zjXS?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop>
> of
>     this activity as an example of the value of OSGeo on LinkedIn
>     - Closed out the todo item:
>     https://git.osgeo.org/gitea/osgeo/todo/issues/142 (Which was going to be
>     the subject of board meeting item)
> While I hope this email will cover the topic, I am available for tomorrow's
> very busy board meeting if there are any questions.
> --
> Jody Garnett
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Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

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