[Board] Fwd: Request for funding

Jan Suleiman suleiman at terrestris.de
Mon Apr 29 00:08:21 PDT 2024

Hi everyone,

please find below our request for funding of the GeoStyler Code Sprint.

Kind regards

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Request for funding
Date: 	Thu, 18 Apr 2024 11:23:45 +0200
From: 	adams at osgeo.org <adams at osgeo.org>
Reply-To: 	adams at osgeo.org
Organization: 	OSGeo
To: 	OSGeo Board Private <board-priv at osgeo.org>
CC: 	Jan Suleiman <suleiman at terrestris.de>

Dear Board,

the GeoStyler project is planning a one-week code sprint and we'd like 
to request for support from OSGeo.

In the following, we present our plan for the GeoStyler code sprint 
following the OSGeo guidelines [1]:

-- Request for support of the GeoStyler Code Sprint 2024 --

**Basic Information**

GeoStyler Code Sprint from 17.-21.06.2024 in Paris, France. See also 

So far, 11 people registered for the code sprint. Based on last year's
event, we expect around 10-15 people joining the sprint.

The code sprint will take place in Paris, France. There is no 
restriction for
participation. Even though, the code sprint is intended to take place
on-site, people are also welcome to join online.

We will mainly work on the GeoStyler project. If during the sprint ideas
for adaptions on other OSGeo projects arise, we will also work on them
or contact the community of the concerned projects.

The code sprint is planned for a full week (5 days).

The code sprint will take place in the offices of the Institut national 
de l'information géographique
et forestière France (IGN) in Paris, France. There are no costs for the 

**Expected Budget**

The prospective budget will be as follows:

Travel costs
4 x train Aarau-Paris-Aarau ~1100 €
1 x train London-Paris-London ~260 €
3 x train Bonn-Paris-Bonn ~450 €

8 persons * 4 nights * ~150 € => ~4800 €
11 persons * 25 € * 5 days => ~1.375 €
(breakfast, lunch)
Other costs
Social Event ~500 €

Total: ~8.485 €

Other fundings:

IGN provides the venue for free
camptocamp funds the travel and accommodation costs for 2 persons
terrestris funds the travel costs for 3 persons
The social event will be covered by the OpenCollective funds of the 
GeoStyler project
We asked the FOSSGIS for a funding of accommodation costs for the 5 
participants from Germany and Switzerland

Requested funding from OSGeo:

We apply for the funding of the travel and accommodation expenses of one 
person coming from England, as well
as for the funding of the catering costs for the sprinters. In total we 
ask for a funding of 2235 €.

Should the budget be published elsewhere explicitly, or is providing it
on this mailinglist sufficient?


We do not plan any profit for this event. If there is more funding than
money needed, we will call for less support from OSGeo. We see low risk
for incurring a loss. If there is no funding, it might be that the
external developers may not show up and the participants will pay the
socializing for themselves.

If there are any further questions,do not hesitate asking us,



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