[Board] Update on website sponsorship page, and handling of sponsorship logos

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Mon Feb 5 23:36:46 PST 2024

It seems unlikely we will make it to the sponsorship agenda topic tomorrow,
so I am providing an update via email.

As it did not look like we would have access to a graphic designer, I asked
the marketing committee for permission to troubleshoot the sponsorship page
which had fallen into disrepair (see ticket for progress
https://github.com/OSGeo/osgeo/issues/250 ).

With this in mind I would like to ask that the "how to sponsor" page not be
quite so prescriptive in specifying exact icons sizes (as the website
should have some ability to scale). I found that the original graphic
designer had taken care to align each sponsor logos within an image so that
they would work well together on the sponsors page and in the page footer.

I have also been fielding a number of questions and clarifications from
sponsors due to my promotion of the recent 2024 sponsorship opportunities.
The writing is not straightforward, often trying to balance ideas
diplomatically within a single paragraph or sentence.
Jody Garnett
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