[Board] Letter of suppost for a research project

Cannata Massimiliano Massimiliano.Cannata at supsi.ch
Sun Feb 11 13:21:19 PST 2024

Dear Board members,

I'm writing you this mail to ask a letter of support from OSGeo for an international project I'm submitting to the Belmont Forum by 29.02.2024.

The project, named CLIMESHED, aims at Empowering Disadvantaged Communities with Sustainable Water Monitoring and Data Exploitation for Climate Change by developing an Open Source platform to collect, manage, process and present environmental data.

The proposed platform to be developed will be extensively based on FOSS4G (istSOS, pyGeoapi, geoPandas, etc.) and OGC standards (SensorThingsAPI, OGC API Features, WaterML, GeoParquet, etc.).

Here a short summary: This project addresses the challenges faced by disadvantaged communities of middle/low-income countries/regions in disposing of sustainable, FAIR, completed, updated and reliable data monitoring and distribution systems on local water quality and quantity. This hinders the understanding, planning and evaluation of mitigation actions of negative impacts of climate change on ecosystems and human health. We propose to experiment and demonstrate a meshed Open Source solution combining authoritative, low-cost and citizen-science approaches rooted in Responsible Research Innovation (RRI) and open science principles.

Looking forward for any feedback or request.

Best regard,



Massimiliano Cannata

Professore SUPSI in ingegneria Geomatica

Responsabile settore Geomatica

Istituto scienze della Terra

Dipartimento ambiente costruzione e design

Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana

Campus Mendrisio, Via Flora Ruchat-Roncati 15

CH – 6850 Mendrisio

Tel. +41 (0)58 666 62 14

Fax +41 (0)58 666 62 09

massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch<mailto:massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch>


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