[OSGeo-Boston] Harvard CGA 2017 Conference: The Drone Revolution in Spatial Analysis
Guan, Wendy
wguan at cga.harvard.edu
Sun Apr 2 14:57:52 PDT 2017
This conference aims at illuminating the profound changes drones have brought to mapping practice, from platform and sensor selection, flight path planning, field operations, data processing, image analysis, feature extraction, 3-D model construction, and visualization. Experts will share their experiences with application cases and first-hand operational logistics.
This conference is free and open to the public, hosted by the Harvard Center for Geographic Analysis, together with the Signal Program of the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, and sponsored by Esri and the BCN Drone Center. The preliminary program<http://cga-download.hmdc.harvard.edu/publish_web/CGA_Conferences/2017_UAV/Tentative%20Schedule%20Draft.pdf> is available online. To register, please click here<http://gis.harvard.edu/events/conferences/drone-revolution-spatial-analysis>.
Wendy Guan, Ph.D. 1737 Cambridge Street, K022
Executive Director Cambridge, MA 02138
Center for Geographic Analysis 617-496-6102 (office)
Harvard University 617-496-5149 (fax)
http://gis.harvard.edu<http://gis.harvard.edu/> wguan at cga.harvard.edu<mailto:wguan at cga.harvard.edu>
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