[California] OSGeo Live pickup in SF - volunteers?

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Fri Mar 25 18:06:59 EDT 2011

Bay Area members,

We're about to order some copies of the newest version of OSGeo Live 4.5
on DVD. The company doing the reproductions happens to be in San
Francisco, 1265 Folsom St to be exact.

Plan 1:
Pickup the California portion of the order, about 100 DVDs in person to
avoid $36 in shipping. At some point in April I'd come pick up some of
those when I'm in the Bay Area, or portion of them can be brought to
Davis. The rest would be passed around the Bay Area as people see each
other (ie at the GeoMeetup).

Plan 2:
Pickup the whole OSGeo order and mail some boxes to various places they
need to go (paid for by OSGeo of course). Shipments would be going to
Washington, Texas and maybe Canada. Seems like a lot of work, but if
someone wants to do it, could potentially save on shipping costs (maybe?).

Plan 3:
We'll just have them mail me the CA copies in Davis and I'd pass them
out as the opportunity comes up.

Any volunteers for plan 1 or 2? FYI, we are planning on ordering today,
they will be ready end of next week or early the week after.


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