[Carto] Intro - just another perspective

Mark Korver mark at spatialcloud.com
Wed Apr 7 14:01:25 EDT 2010

Quick intro and comment.

My name is Mark Korver and I am the CTO at SpatialCloud.com

Tyler's post on the OSGEO list caught my interest because just a
couple of days ago I had a long tel call with potential client on
large format printing, so the basic questions of standards/tools came
up. The conversation was in regards to a new service we announced
yesterday that gives access to TMS data of 1m aerial imagery for the
US.  Because we are releasing this data using Creative Commons type
license, we anticipate a lot of people will be wanting to print our
data, either just for fun or for commercial reasons.

I know there is a lot of aerial image base data out there on wms etc,
but I would be happy to help, at least from a source data perspective,
on making this easier to do.

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