[Carto] Map specifications

George Silva georger.silva at gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 21:26:48 EDT 2010

Hello everyone,

I would like to try to get the ball rolling, so I thought to start simple.
I'm not familiar with Mapnik also, so please bear with me.

What are the components of a map document (this are just informal ideas,
give your opinion about them :P)

"Map Metadata"

Size (width x height)
Graphics (north arrow, title, other pictures, etc)
Ordered set of "views" (I'm calling a view what would be a map inset, a map
inside another map)

Each "view" should have:

      Size of map-inset
      Projection (datasets have projections, but they can be represented in
a different projection)
      Ordered set of Layers
      [Coordinate grid] (each of these should be graphic? should these be
tied up to each "view" or they are independent map graphics?)
      [Scale Bar]
      [Scale Text]
      other elements I'm missing?

Since XML was mentioned by Tyler, I tried a top-bottom approach.

Any ideas about these?

Thank you for your patiente :P


George R. C. Silva

Desenvolvimento em GIS
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