[cat-interop] Metadata link types vocabulary proposal
Jeroen Ticheler
jeroen.ticheler at geocat.net
Wed Mar 5 06:16:24 PST 2014
Hi Tom and others,
We are working on getting metadata profiles developed in a separate git repository https://github.com/metadata101 and published under http://metadata101.org . This allows people to work on a range of metadata profiles while maintaining a common basis, so that applications can use these profiles from a single source.
Would you be open to the idea to also host the vocabularies under that same umbrella? It would not be related to a specific project or foundation, which could help to get wide acceptance across open source and proprietary applications. This would be a great benefit for interoperability in my opinion.
A build process could ensure the vocabularies are kept up to date under http://metadata101.org while they are developed and versioned on Github.
My 2 cents,
On 5 mrt. 2014, at 14:12, Tom Kralidis <tomkralidis at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thinking this though more, I think the way forward here is for this
> to be an OSGeo vocabulary, which we can build and manage under
> http://osgeo.org/vocab like:
> http://osgeo.org/vocab/data/{provider}/{type}[/version]
> http://osgeo.org/vocab/service/{provider}/{type}[/version]
> Then providing a thin resolution layer, members of this vocabulary, when
> invoked via HTTP, would then dereference/resolve accordingly. Like:
> http://osgeo.org/vocab/service/ogc/sos/1.0
> would resolve to:
> http://www.opengis.net/sos/1.0 (which then resolves as per the
> authoritative provider's wishes).
> This provides the following benefits:
> 1./ metadata clients/servers can bind to the OSGeo vocabulary, thus
> realizing the core goal of a harmonized link type list
> 2./ anyone who really wants to invoke / resolve these can do so
> 3./ This keeps OSGeo as a just a gatekeeper / custodian of the list with
> redirects as appropriate, which gets us out of the complexity of
> managing these across standards orgs/etc.
> Comments? I've written a small Flask app to act as a high level
> resolver, based on our link types list and will resolve / redirect
> accordingly, which we can push forward for hosting, etc.
> On Mon, 3 Mar 2014, Tom Kralidis wrote:
>> Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2014 21:53:51 -0500
>> From: Tom Kralidis <tomkralidis at gmail.com>
>> To: Paul van Genuchten <paul.vangenuchten at geocat.net>
>> Cc: "<cat-interop at lists.osgeo.org>" <cat-interop at lists.osgeo.org>
>> Subject: Re: [cat-interop] Metadata link types vocabulary proposal
>> On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 4:07 PM, Paul van Genuchten
>> <paul.vangenuchten at geocat.net> wrote:
>>> I support Stephan at this point. The semantic web can be a big consumer
>>> of spatial data services, if we're able to optimally embed our data in
>>> it. Linking to controlled vocabularies by url is a big facilitator.
>> Good points.
>>> Sure i see the point of having a urn structure as
>>> {provider}:{type}:{identifier}:{version}. But this can also be managed
>>> in a (skos) vocabulary-identifier-as-url by using identifiers like:
>>> for example:
>>> http://osgeo.org/vocab/service/ogc/wms/1.1
>>> http://osgeo.org/vocab/service/opensearch/opensearch/2.0
>>> and
>>> http://osgeo.org/vocab/mediatype/esri/shapefile/1.0
>>> http://osgeo.org/vocab/mediatype/ogc/gml/2.0
>>> http://osgeo.org/vocab/mediatype/w3c/json-ld/1.0
>>> or
>>> http://osgeo.org/vocab/service#ogc_wms_1_1
>>> http://osgeo.org/vocab/mediatype#ogc_gml_2_0
>>> At this point we should consider if osgeo.org is the best place to set
>>> up such a service/vocab, as this is more a data-matter then a software
>>> matter. Should we connect with geovocab, w3c/ogc, dbpedia to have this
>>> set up?
>> Based on the comments on HTTP URIs at
>> https://github.com/OSGeo/Cat-Interop/issues/3, the OGC has this at
>> www.opengis.net. However the structure is not SKOS-like. I guess one
>> factor is how deep version negotiation would go.
>> Then again, we could implement this in OSGeo and have resolver back to
>> their authoritative resources (i.e.
>> http://osgeo.org/vocab/service/csw/2.0.2 could resolve to
>> http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/2.0.2. Does this sound useful/make
>> sense?
>>> If we feel osgeo.org is a good place, let's post about it in the
>>> request-list...
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