[CBERS-PDS] Access to CBERS data will change!

Frederico Liporace liporace at amskepler.com
Sun Nov 4 05:16:50 PST 2018

Dear CBERS on AWS users,

CBERS will join AWS Open Data program soon and this requires
changes that affect users. There will be no changes in how the
buckets are organized and SNS topics work, but their IDs
will change for a period.

See below the planned migration schedule, if you have any
questions please reply to cbers-pds list. I call
'main stack' the current infrastructure (buckets, SNS
topics, etc) and 'mirror stack' the mirror infrastructure
that will be created for the migration.

The dates are still unassigned but the plan is to complete
the procedure on 11/2018. I'll post updates as soon as the
dates are defined.


1. Creation of the mirror stack that will be synchronized
with the main stack. New buckets and SNS topics will be
created. Users at this point
will be able to simply change the buckets and SNS ids and
work with the mirror stack.
2. The mirror stack will work in tandem with the main
stack for one week.
3. The main stack will be deactivated, that is, buckets
and SNS topics deleted.
4. A new main stack will be created with the same names of
the original buckets, cbers-pds and cbers-meta-pds
5. Once all data from the mirror buckets is migrated
to the new buckets the main stack will be operational
6. The main stack will work in tandem with the
mirror stack for one week.
7. The mirror stack will be deactivated.


Frederico Liporace
AMS Kepler Engenharia de Sistemas
liporace at amskepler.com
Rio de Janeiro: +55 21 35006636
São José dos Campos: +55 12 36008088

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