[CBERS-PDS] georeferencing issue

Frederico Liporace liporace at amskepler.com
Thu Sep 3 11:11:28 PDT 2020


The images are ingested to AWS as they are make available by INPE's
public catalog, the only processing we do while ingesting is converting
to COG. Your question should be addressed to INPE user's support.


On 03/09/2020 11:12, Fernando Tentor wrote:
> Hi, I would like to know if there any solution to georeferencing issues
> in WFI and PAN sensor
> Kind Regards
> Fernando
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Frederico Liporace
AMS Kepler Engenharia de Sistemas
liporace at amskepler.com
Rio de Janeiro: +55 21 35006636
São José dos Campos: +55 12 36008088

AWS: Avalie-nos / Evaluate us

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