[CBERS-PDS] CBERS 4, 4A and Amazonia-1 ingestion suspended (slow download rates)

Frederico Liporace liporace at amskepler.com
Wed Dec 6 10:36:09 PST 2023

Starting around five days ago the internet connection between INPE and 
AWS servers is unusually slow. Scenes that were transferred in less than 
4 minutes now take around 20.
This makes the archive update unfeasible, and the ingestion of new 
scenes is suspended. It will resume as soon as the transfer rates are 
back to normal.

Frederico Liporace
AMS Kepler Engenharia de Sistemas
liporace at amskepler.com
Rio de Janeiro: +55 21 35006636
São José dos Campos: +55 12 36008088

AWS: Avalie-nos / Evaluate us

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