[CBERS-PDS] CBERS 4/4A and Amazonia-1 migration to us-west-2

Frederico Liporace liporace at amskepler.com
Tue Feb 6 10:19:07 PST 2024


The new bucket already has all ingested data and is daily updated with 
new scenes. I`ll keep both us-east-1 and us-west-2 working until Feb 13, 
after that the us-east-1 infrastructure will be deleted.

The new bucket and topic ARNs may be obtained from:



On 26-01-24 5:13 PM, Frederico Liporace wrote:
> Hello,
> The CBERS 4/4A and Amazonia-1 datasets will be migrated from us-east-1
> to us-west-2 in the following weeks. This will make it easier for 
> applications to work with CBERS/Amazonia and other mid-res EO data such 
> as Landsat and Sentinel-2 hosted at us-west-2; and will follow AWS 
> recommendation for open datasets.
> A summary of the changes are below, I'll post updates in this thread.
> Bucket and data organization
> ---------------------------------------
> A single bucket, "brazil-eosats", will store data for all satellites. 
> The data organization will be the same and in effect only the bucket id 
> for the assets will change. Here are some examples of old and new s3 arns:
> Old:
> s3://cbers-pds/CBERS4A/WFI/096/108/CBERS_4A_WFI_20230727_096_108_L4/CBERS_4A_WFI_20230727_096_108_L4_BAND14.tif
> New:
> s3://brazil-eosats/CBERS4A/WFI/096/108/CBERS_4A_WFI_20230727_096_108_L4/CBERS_4A_WFI_20230727_096_108_L4_BAND14.tif
> Old:
> s3://amazonia-pds/AMAZONIA1/WFI/033/018/AMAZONIA_1_WFI_20210402_033_018_L4/AMAZONIA_1_WFI_20210402_033_018.png
> New:
> s3://brazil-eosats/AMAZONIA1/WFI/033/018/AMAZONIA_1_WFI_20210402_033_018_L4/AMAZONIA_1_WFI_20210402_033_018.png
> Requester pays and metadata buckets
> ---------------------------------------------------
> The new "brazil-eosats" bucket will NOT enable requester pays and hence 
> there is no need to create something similar to the "cbers-meta-pds" and 
> "amazonia-meta-pds" buckets that currently exist.
> SNS Topics
> --------------
> A new topic will be created to notify the ingestion of new scenes. A 
> single topic will be used for all satellites/cameras, and will follow 
> the model currently used for Amazonia-1.
> -------
> The STAC service maintained by AMS Kepler will reindex all data once the 
> migration is completed. The endpoint will not change.


Frederico Liporace
AMS Kepler Engenharia de Sistemas
liporace at amskepler.com
Rio de Janeiro: +55 21 35006636
São José dos Campos: +55 12 36008088

AWS: Avalie-nos / Evaluate us

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