[CBERS-PDS] CBERS 4, 4A and Amazonia-1 ingestion suspended (slow download rates)

Frederico Liporace liporace at amskepler.com
Wed Jan 17 12:17:32 PST 2024

The download rates seem to be back to normal and the ingestion is being 
resumed today.

On 06-12-23 3:36 PM, Frederico Liporace wrote:
> Hi,
> Starting around five days ago the internet connection between INPE and 
> AWS servers is unusually slow. Scenes that were transferred in less than 
> 4 minutes now take around 20.
> This makes the archive update unfeasible, and the ingestion of new 
> scenes is suspended. It will resume as soon as the transfer rates are 
> back to normal.
> rgds.,


Frederico Liporace
AMS Kepler Engenharia de Sistemas
liporace at amskepler.com
Rio de Janeiro: +55 21 35006636
São José dos Campos: +55 12 36008088

AWS: Avalie-nos / Evaluate us

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