[COG] COG feedback based on foss4gna2018-cloudoptimizedgeotiffs-180518155909.pdf presentation.
Panagiotis (Peter) A. Vretanos
pvretano at cubewerx.com
Sun Jun 3 07:10:59 PDT 2018
I grabbed a copy of the foss4gna2018-cloudoptimizedgeotiffs-180518155909.pdf
presentation and showed it to our developers. This is the feedback they
provided ...
--- cut here ---
We handle overviews as separate files since people probably don't want us
altering their source data and if there is a problem, we can easily blow away
the overview files.
We put the GeoTIFF Tag Directories at the front of the file so the metadata for
all of the contained images can be read in one gulp, but the presentation says
to put the TileOffsets and TileByteCounts inline with the Tag Directories.
This may be problematic because these can be very bulky and interfere with
reading all of the metadata in one gulp.
The presentation mentions compression but does not explicitly encourage it and
it does not talk about alpha channels or masks at all, which are necessary in an
environment where you are likely to combine images together. For data that
needs a user-specified Null Color, having built-in overviews is worthless, since
the fringes of the overview data is blended with the background color which
makes the result not match the Null Color and makes the fringe pixel values wrong.
--- cut here ---
Sorry, I don't understand most of this but I am hoping that the people
responsible for COG will find the feedback useful.
Panagiotis (Peter) A. Vretanos CubeWerx Inc.
Big Kahuna (CTO, Senior DB Developer) http://www.cubewerx.com
Tel. 416-701-1985 Fax. 416-701-9870 pvretano at cubewerx.com
"Smart people learn from everything and everyone. Average
people learn from their experiences. Stupid people have
all the answers." Socrates.
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