[Conference-cee] FW: program

Jachym Cepicky jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
Wed Apr 25 04:15:26 PDT 2012

48E is for one workshop

if you want to participate at two of them - you pay 2x48


Dne 25.4.2012 11:00, ZBUDNIEWEK.JAKUB napsal(a):
> And another one:
> Is 48Euro the price for the whole worshop set or for the individual workshop?
> Hi,
> 1.       What is ment by 'code sprint'?
> 2.       Who is the organizer of the conference?
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Jachym Cepicky
Help Service - Remote Sensing s.r.o.
jachym.cepicky at gmail.com | jachym at hsrs.cz
http://les-ejk.cz | http://bnhelp.cz

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