[Conference-cee] about abstracts and papers

Jachym Cepicky jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
Mon Jan 23 13:24:10 PST 2012

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thanks for your questions:

On 21.1.2012 11:13, Daria Svidzinska wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> I'm highly interested in the conference but I've got a couple of
> questions about materials submission:
> 1) how long an abstract is allowed to be (100 or how many words)?

We decided to make no limit in the abstract length. Reasonable length
would be not more, than 300 words. If it's going to be little bit
more, it is no problem.

> 2) it also has been  said about papers, but what do you mean under
> the paper - just the same abstract or some kind of extended
> material (an article) and if yes

Abstracts are generally meant for Presentations. There is also
possibility for submitting full paper, which will be published in
Geoinformatics Journal
(http://geoinformatics.fsv.cvut.cz/gwiki/Main_Page). Geoinformatics is
part of FOSS4G-CEE 2012 as Academic session, but you can submit your
Presentation to any other session and also the paper for
Geoinformatics Journal. We will post informations about how to submit
full paper soon.

> 3) where and when it should be submitted (at once or after the
> abstract approval)?

Paper and Presentation can have same abstract. Presentation shall be
submitted to http://cms.foss4g-cee.eu/author/submit.php, full papers
for the journal will be organized at

I hope, it is clearer now, please ask again, if not



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